Building a Custom GPT for Efficient GitHub Pull Request Reviews

OpenAI recently introduced custom GPTs. Let’s briefly sum-up what GPTs are compared to classical ChatGPT: It contains custom predefined instructions It has custom conversation starters It can now contain multiple capabilities at once (in classic ChatGPT you had to choose one). Those are: Web browsing DALL-E image generation Code interpreter Custom Actions (plugins got kind of deprecated) Especially, The last option is interesting, as it is now much easier to create integrations with custom actions.
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ChatGPT API Basics for Developers (in Python)

This article is for developers who haven’t yet tried the ChatGPT API. I recently gave it a try and must conclude that it offers great potential. So, here’s a detailed guide on how to get started. What is a “Token” and How Much Do OpenAI API Queries Cost? How Much Do OpenAI API Queries Cost? Setting up the Environment for Working with the OpenAI GPT-3.5 API Installing Necessary Libraries Creating an API Key for Authenticating Our Requests to the OpenAI API Setting Up OpenAI API Credentials Sending a Basic Request Understanding the Response Explanation of “Roles” Working with Conversation Context Some Advanced API Features Maximum Response Length “Temperature” Additional Parameters Limiting Tokens in Queries Sample Project: Automated RSS Reader Preparation Loading the RSS Feed Creating a Custom Profile Article Analysis Conclusion Before we start .
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